The contents of Hedgerow Medicine are: agrimony, bilberry, birch, blackberry, burdock, cherry, chickweed, cleavers, comfrey, couch grass, dandelion, elder, figwort, guelder rose or crampbark, hawthorn, honeysuckle or woodbine, hops, horse chestnut, horseradish, horsetail, lime or linden, lyceum, mallow, meadowsweet, mint, mugwort, mullein, nettle, oak, pellitory of the wall, plantain, ramsons, raspberry, red clover, red poppy, rosebay willowherb, self-heal, shepherd’s purse, sorrel, St John’s wort, sweet cicely, teasel, vervain, white deadnettle, wild lettuce, wild rose, willow, willowherb, wood betony and yarrow.
Among the recipes featured are: bilberry glycerite, chickweed bath vinegar, comfrey ointment, hawthorn tincture, horseradish cough syrup, horsetail cystitis tea blend, meadowsweet ghee, mugwort punch, oak tooth powder, ramsons pesto, self-heal flower essence and sorrel zhug.